Friday, May 8, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics For K-Pop Debate

Argumentative Essay Topics For K-Pop DebateArgumentative essay topics and tips are very important in writing a good essay. Arguments are great ways to convey what you think about the issue. Even though good essays can be written without arguments, many people find the use of arguments to be extremely useful. Here are some of the more interesting topics you can work with when writing an argumentative essay.One of the most popular debate topics is between South Korea and Japan. Each side has been vocal in their thoughts about this topic for years. In the end, it really comes down to a simple fact that is causing each side to flare up. The last thing either side wants is for the other to win this argument and continue the rivalry.South Korea recently re-introduced some chocolate flavored cigarettes into the market. This product was taken off the market because of health concerns. Now South Korea is trying to regain its popularity in the world markets. They have introduced a candy flavor ed cigarette which has become hugely popular with teens. There is a new problem with this plan though.Most teens in South Korea do not like sweets and some cannot stand to smoke while they are enjoying a candy. The debate becomes one of two things. Either the Japanese have no right to create this product because it is not healthy for them or the South Koreans have no right to take candy off the market. This is the first argument of the day and will be the main focus of the argumentative essay.Another argument that can be used to really drive home points on the essay is between individuals who do not know each other well. There are some of these who hate each other to no end. These people get into heated arguments online over a wide variety of issues.The most controversial of all topics is the South Korean and American relationship with the Korean pop culture and K-Pop. The two countries were once enemies. The United States was displeased with the way South Korea used Asian models fo r their concerts and other promotions. They made sure to speak up against this at every opportunity.After a time, the US started backing the Korean pop artists and saw the beauty in the genre. Both sides agreed to have dialogue on the issue to try and reconcile their differences. This is where the argumentative essay comes in.The United States decided to encourage K-Pop fans to come out to their shows in hopes of promoting their involvement in promoting K-Pop. The Japanese seemed to think this was something that was completely idiotic. Some even spoke out about how their country was not a victim because of K-Pop. This is a very popular topic on essay and you should know the arguments if you are looking for topics for your essay. If you want to put a little extra effort into researching and writing the argumentative essay then why not put some of the research you have done into using one of the Korean websites for arguments about this topic.

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