Friday, June 19, 2020

How Technology Affect Society Essay - 1650 Words

How Technology Affect Society? (Essay Sample) Content: How technology affects society?Name:Course:Lecturer:Date:IntroductionTechnology has been a main source of change in society throughout history; however, the last few decades have witnessed a complete overhaul in the way people interact with the introduction of cellar devices, computers and most significantly the internet. The advent of the technological revolution enabled development of major technologies that have affected the society in various ways like the way people communicate and interact; as well, society has been instrumental in the development of the technologies. Nevertheless, the technological advances have various concerns in the society like their impacts on the traditional business models and interpersonal relations.According to Sutton (2013), incorporation of technology in schools has been essential for the success of students because of the shifting times and the increased demand for tech savvy people. Therefore, the study shows that the 21st century classrooms have adjusted to the technological revolution in order to prepare students for the technological world. Hence, technology managed to change the way society perceived classrooms in terms of chalk boards and writing of letters, this makes the 21st society demand technological advanced individual propelling classrooms to also require technological advances. This raises the concern that computers are taking away manpower which seems to be true; moreover, human experience is significant in learning, which raises the concern of reading literature on computers. In his work, Sutton assumes that people accept technology capabilities, which propel advancement of the human society while appreciating the new technologies. That author argues that although it is easy to see the social issues associated with technology the impacts have to be addressed after a thorough understanding of what technology does to the society. The main social concern apart from the changes in interpersonal re lations and the divide in social classes is the decreasing level of capability in individuals because of the technologies that seem to do almost everything. According to Lee (2002), the last few decades there has been increased development in computing and communication with indications that the progress and the use of information technology will carry on in a fast pace. Currently, innovations within information technology have wide reaching effects on various domains of the society with policy makers acting on issues such as economic productivity privacy protection, intellectual property rights as well as the affordability and access to information. Lee points out that one of the significant outcomes of innovation in IT is probably the electronic commerce that takes place on the internet, which is a new way of conducting business.According to Lee (2002), progress in IT affects large sectors like communications, finance and retail trade; moreover, advances in IT have been venturing into education and health services. Lee shows that computers are prevalent within businesses, which raises concern regarding deskilling of the traditional blue collar workers and even other workers as well. Moreover, the author raises the concern regarding the difficulty employment impacts associated with computers and communications because people seem to be replaced by computers and communication. Lee argues that computers and communications lead to changes in types of workers needed for various occupations. Moreover, he argues that technology both creates and destroys jobs, which underlie changes in skill composition in employment. The author points out that the rapid increase in computing and communication raise considerable concerns regarding privacy both for private and public use. The author assumes that with technological advances the society is becoming inevitably dependent on the technology because of the creation of vital infrastructure that to some extend ensures socie tal dependence on the infrastructure. Lee argues that dependence on technology is risky because failure in technological infrastructure has the ability to result in collapse of economic as well as social functionality.According to Vannoy and Palvia (2010), human innovation together with the internet and other communication technologies produce a platform for social as well as business networking through formation of a community and communication link. This elaborates that as internet and other communication technologies are embraced by individuals and embedded in daily lives this result in development of social structures that are changing the way people interact and communicate. Moreover, the changes are also facilitating fundamental changes in business practices; therefore, as technology affects society, also society exerts pressure on technology because technology that was once considered to be a vehicle for delivering subscriber information was adopted by end users as a driver of social behavior (Vannoy Palvia, 2010). The authors assume that prevalent technology acceptance never fit within social computing but the society creates and co-creates value of the technology that eventually results in embracing technology-based service. The authors argue that some technologies like file sharing were intended to enable remote access of digital files but they have been adopted by consumers as a way of sharing music and other files in the society. The authors point out the concern of increased difficulty of formally governing technological development based on the conventional institutional power. The development in technology also raises concerns regarding their impact on traditional business models as indicated by the impact technology has had on the music industry.According to Sutton (2013), the large scale impact technology has had on society involves the way computers have changed the manner in which individuals interact. Moreover, Sutton (2013) shows that re lations among people have changed because of the computers and internet and the way people work and communicate with computer networks destabilize many conventional social categories and interactions. Lee (2002) complements this concern by showing that computers are taking over some jobs previously carried by individuals posing a challenge to employment in those jobs. Moreover, since technology according to Sutton allows communication that is mediated by computers, young generations are at risk of losing the ability to communicate properly in face to face situations because they are accustomed to conversing in the cyberspace. According to Sutton (2013), when individuals get caught up in the capabilities of computer and virtual society, the individuals end up being disconnected from real world because they no longer develop personal relations. Moreover, Sutton (2013) points out that technology is to blame for a large part because for the loss of patience in society since the modern society needs everything to be done faster. Lee (2002) shows that computers and computing technology affects real time transactions and function make intermediaries like stock brokers, sales clerks and travel agents redundant. This argument complements Suttonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s (2013) who indicates that mundane jobs such as working in assembly line have been taken over by computers; moreover, recently computers are even eclipsing all jobs even the ones that are considered to be intellectual.Vannoy and Palvia (2010) introduce a new perspective with regard to the concerns raised by technology in the society by showing that even the society exerts pressure on the technologies resulting in the development of technologies targeting the society. The authors seem to take up the assumption that the other two sources fail to focus on mainly the societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s responsibility in technological development. Vannoy and Palvia (2010), by embracing technological advances the socie...

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